What is IELTS Life Skills? What is it for?

  • December 5, 2018
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IELTS Life Skills is an English language test offered by the IELTS Partners – The British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia and Cambridge Assessment English. IELTS Life Skills is a test of Speaking and Listening and is available at CEFR Levels A1, A2 and B2. It is designed to meet the requirements of UK Visas and … Continue reading What is IELTS Life Skills? What is it for?

How to get an A on the OET writing sub-test?

  • November 27, 2018
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Wondering how to get an in the OET writing section? BAFEL gives you some tips below to secure an ‘A’: OET is a paper-based test. In the OET Writing test, there are case notes and a task. Selecting from the case notes according to the task and creating a logical structure for your letter and … Continue reading How to get an A on the OET writing sub-test?

How to prepare for the OET Multiple Choice Questions?

  • November 27, 2018
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The Listening and Reading subtests of the OET requires the student to answer Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ). MCQs are not only about answering the questions accurately, but also on time. Hence, it becomes crucial for students to master the skill of answering MCQs in the OET. Although, the OET Training at BAFEL will prepare you … Continue reading How to prepare for the OET Multiple Choice Questions?

How to Understand English Video?

  • November 24, 2018
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There are many people who can speak and write in English well, but they find it difficult to understand English videos or movies. If you too struggle to understand English Videos and you avoid going for English Movies, then follow these easy tips. Understand the Idea While you watch an English video, your main focus … Continue reading How to Understand English Video?

The significance of Personality Development in a Students Life!

  • November 16, 2018
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Personality Development is very crucial for students, earlier the better. Personality is a set of characteristics which define and make a person stand out. There are various components which define a personality like, character, attitude, environment and behaviour. The amalgamation of all these components shapes an individual’s personality. BAFEL understands the significance of Personality Development … Continue reading The significance of Personality Development in a Students Life!

Personality Development Training at BAFEL

  • November 16, 2018
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Personality Development is the need of the hour, everyone needs it and it is gaining more and more importance among youth. Personality Development enables an individual to impress others and have better conversations and promotes healthy relationships. With the Personality Development Training provided by us at BAFEL:- You will become more confident in You will … Continue reading Personality Development Training at BAFEL

How to Improve Your Personality ?

  • November 16, 2018
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If you have a good and pleasing personality, you will be liked by everyone. Having a good personality doesn’t revolve around physical attributes of an individual. Instead, good personality means how well you can carry yourself in front of others and how well you interact with them. 85% of the success and happiness you achieve … Continue reading How to Improve Your Personality ?

How are you Assessed in OET ?

  • November 14, 2018
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1.OET LISTENING TEST PART A - Consultation Extracts PART B - Short Workspace Extracts Part C – Presentation Excerpts Capability to identify specific and precise information. Understand the speaker’s purpose. Efficiency to identify detail. Determine the purpose of short excerpts. Assesses your ability to follow a recorded presentation/ interview on different healthcare topics. 2.OET READING … Continue reading How are you Assessed in OET ?

What is OET?

  • October 29, 2018
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What is OET? OET (Occupational English Test) is an internationally recognized English proficiency test, mainly for the healthcare sector. OET is specifically designed for medical professionals who seek to register and want to work/practice in an English-speaking Environment. Since 2013, OET is owned by Cambridge Boxhill Language Assessment Trust (CBLA). OET is applicable for 12 … Continue reading What is OET?

How to Clear an IELTS Exam ?

  • October 27, 2018
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