Why Taking OET is often the Right Choice for nurses?

  • July 11, 2022
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There is good news for nurses looking forward to moving and work in the UK. The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) is formally accepting scores for OET for nurses now and this means that UK-bound nurses can now have a test which takes into account their nursing skills and experience in addition to their English skills.

BAFEL lays down top three reasons as to why OET is the right choice for nurses looking to work in the UK:

OET is tailored to your profession

OET is designed to access candidates’ skillset who are comfortable working in a fast-paced environment and involves dealing with difficult patients, making decisions under pressure, and understanding complex information quickly. OET prepares you to make the skillset a part of your daily routine and trains you for real-life scenarios.

Since moving to a foreign country would involve a cultural shift, OET prepares you for tasks that they will need to showcase your professional skills in a Western context along with the change in language differences.

The Vocabulary becomes strong and familiar

OET employs common medical vocabulary and makes you comfortable with if you are a nurse. Unlike PTE, IELTS and TOEFL, which requires you to learn complex English vocabulary (probably those you never use in real life), OET is more centred towards the medical profession. It also reflects your confidence in dealing with people and also your delivery of the right advice to the patients; a true asset in times of demanding situations.

OET is interactive

Nurses need to talk to their patients. This is the old school method and therefore, you need to know the medical conditions as well as the knowledge to deal with the patients and their near and dear ones. Because the OET is paper-based and uses human examiners to test speaking, this “traditional” format puts a lot of aspiring nurses at ease, along with the combined familiar vocabulary and content boosts their confidence.

This approach also comes handy in real life scenarios. It has been noticed that in many hospital environment simulations, many nurses have complained about how strange and uncomfortable it felt to talk at a computer, as in exams like the PTE for instance, and felt they would have done much better interacting with a human being.

BAFEL believes that OET is one of the best courses till date to have taken the essence of training nurses for working abroad as it makes competent nurses eligible to work in the UK as well as other countries. We appreciate the avenues that this test opens and helps a candidate find a better future through such a test. To know more, contact us now at BAFEL Head Office in Delhi.

(Information provided subject to revisions and changes of Government and relevant authority  regulations)
