Nurses Placement for United Kingdom with OET

  • May 4, 2018
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Occupational English Test (OET) is accepted as proof of English proficiency for employment by healthcare employers and a growing number of leading educators and medical tourism. OET assesses your English in listening, reading, speaking and writing subtests. There is a separate subtest for each skill area. It is a paper- based examination where grades begin from A to E and the score validity is limited to 2 years.

Occupational English Test

Understanding the Grading System

OET Grade Description of Ability
A Very high level of performance
 B High level of performance, i.e. able to use English with fluency and accuracy adequate for professional needs
 C Good level of performance; however, not acceptable to a range of health and medical councils
D Moderate level of performance: requires improvement
E Low level of performance: requires considerable improvement

Why do you need OET test?

By taking OET two things are clear for sure; firstly, you have the right understanding of English and secondly, you have learnt a language which you will be needing every day at work, recognized by the English speaking countries.

Besides this, there are many more important factors, why healthcare professionals choose OET over any other examination:

  • OET uses real healthcare scenarios so you’ll feel more confident on the day of the test.
  • OET is widely recognized as proof of English proficiency for registration, study and work in the healthcare sector, as well as for visa in some countries.
  • OET helps you develop language skills for success in your career.
  • It opens an international gateway and tremendous opportunities at the professional front.
  • In other words, it helps you outshine among competition.

Understanding the Placement Opportunity & Procedure

With OET you have the confirmed opportunity of going abroad Viz. United Kingdom, Australia etc. for employment with remunerations beyond   expectations. Maximum opportunity is available for Nurses.

BAFEL is a deep seated organization that can significantly help you in preparation for this international examination. Experienced and certified trainers here are inclined towards coaching you in the best fashion that ensures success against all odds. So, if you are an OET aspirant looking for the best groundwork on this test, BAFEL- British Academy for English Language is your one-stop shop, that can prepare you, coach you and mentor you to clear OET with flying colors.

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