Offline Vs Online Class

Offline Vs Online Class


Be Patient
It will take some time to get used to online training, but it’s fun and more fruitful.

Online Classes are costlier
The online classes which are cheaper are the one’s which give recorded videos, at BAFEL all Online classes will be live interactive sessions, which are costlier and more effective.

Save yourself from Corona
Take online classes, stay at home, stay safe. Appropriate Social Distancing is not possible in any coaching centre so it’s better to be safe.No Idea when will vaccine come. Institute will not open till the time it is completely safe. There will be very strict norms for offline coaching institutes to be safe from COVID-19, Only 2-3 people allowed in a limited area to maintain social distancing. Mandatory and may be costly health insurance will be required for everyone entering the premise. Thereby, offline classes are not possible at all.

Students have the freedom to juggle their careers and school because they aren’t tied down. In a traditional classroom setting, a class meeting is tiring and hectic, forcing them to work their schedules around it. Most people who choose online learning tend to have other commitments and prefer this mode of learning as it gives them power over how they will delegate their time towards their different projects.

There is no travel cost for students, they can learn from the ease of their homes whereas the training class, IT support, Rent and costs of Digital Tools and properties increase the costs for institute to run online classes.

Class Duration
Coaching material is covered in half the time in the online medium since the trainer speaks constantly and is there with full focus. It’s not good to sit in front of mobile/computer for long hours. We will have to wait for complete medical safety condition which might take the indefinite time. Hence, it’s better to avail online session and take training before the course expires.

Flexible environment
By studying online, you choose your learning environment that works best for your needs: be it your bedroom, your study, the café across the street, listening to your instructor’s lecture podcast as you run on the treadmill. Isn’t that awesome?

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